Angels in the Bible Q&A / Spiritual Meditations

What Does the Bible Say about Angels?

Q: I read somewhere that for angels to do a particular job on earth, we must ask God to give charge to “our angel” to assist us. Can you elaborate.

A: Scripture indicates that rank and order exist among the angels. Most Bible versions call one angel, Michael, an Archangel in Jude 9, a title that indicates rule or authority over other angels. They also call him “one of the chief princes” in Daniel 10: 13. Michael also appears to be the leader in the angelic army (Revelations 12: 7-8). In addition, the Lord will return from heaven with “the call of the Archangel” (1 Thessalonians 4: 16). Scripture does not tell about any archangels besides Michael.

Only two angels are specifically named in scripture: Michael, as we have already said, and Gabriel (Daniel 8: 16; 9: 21; Luke 1: 19, 26).

As for how many angels God created, scripture does not give us a number. We do you know there are many! The Bible says that the Chariots of God were “unnumbered thousands” (Psalm 48: 17). When we worship, we are in the presence of “thousands of angels” (Hebrew 12: 22). In Revelation 5: 11 we read about “thousands and millions of angels.”

You wondered if angels can’t do a particular job on earth unless we ask God to give charge to “our angel” to assist us. That’s not exactly right. God is the one who orders His angels to protect us. We can certainly pray and ask God to protect us, but He isn’t waiting for our command to send His angels to protect us. Also, there doesn’t seem to be any compelling evidence in scripture that each one of us has an individual “guardian angel” assigned to us. Rhoda’s confusion of Peter and “his angel” (Acts 12: 15) is probably not something we should build a doctrine on.

Will Angels be Judged?

Q: if God is the only eternal Spirit Being, do angels die? And if so, where do they go waiting for judgment day?

A: Angels are eternal spirit beings created by God. Human beings and angels are the only moral, highly intelligent creatures that God has made. There is one major difference, however. Human beings are made in God’s image (Genesis 1: 26-27), but the Bible never mentions that angels are. Consequently, God will someday give us authority over angels specifically to judge them (1 Corinthians 6: 3). Though we are for a little while lower than the angels (Hebrew 2: 7), when our salvation is complete, we will be exalted above angels and rule over them. Even now, angels serve us (Hebrew 1:14).

Already we know from scripture that some angels sinned. They are awaiting their judgment (2 Peter 2: 4). Scripture never indicates that fallen angels will have the opportunity to be saved.

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Bible Answers 101 by Bickel & Jantz

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